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Exploring the Interconnection of Foodways and Folklore

Currently, I am taking a course on using folklore and fairytales as a framework for wellbeing called Enchant. In one of our recent sessions, an interesting concept was introduced: Foodways.


It was the first time I had ever heard the phrase, however, after reflecting on it, the Italian-American tradition of Festa dei Sette Pesci, also known as The Feast of the Seven Fishes, comes to mind. I immediately made a note to research more about this interesting concept.

Food is so much more than sustenance; it is a cultural artifact deeply intertwined with the traditions, beliefs, and social fabric of societies around the world. The study of foodways and folklore delves into this rich tapestry, unraveling the intricate relationship between what we eat and the stories we tell.

Understanding Foodways
Foodways encompass the cultural, social, economic, and environmental practices related to the production, distribution, preparation, and consumption of food within a particular community or society. From the cultivation of crops to the ways in which food is prepared and shared, foodways shape the culinary landscape of a culture. Influenced by historical traditions, religious beliefs, geographical location, and socio-economic conditions, foodways play a significant role in shaping identity, heritage, and social interactions within communities.

Exploring Folklore
Folklore, on the other hand, encompasses the oral traditions, rituals, customs, legends, and superstitions passed down through generations within a society. It serves as a repository of cultural knowledge, reflecting the values, beliefs, and practices of a community. Folklore includes stories about the origins of certain foods, traditional recipes, culinary rituals, food-related superstitions, and the symbolic significance of food within a cultural context.

The Interconnection
The intersection of foodways and folklore reveals a profound symbiosis between what we eat and how we understand ourselves and the world around us. Oral traditions transmit knowledge about food cultivation, preparation methods, and the symbolic meanings of dishes. Rituals and customs surrounding food, such as harvest festivals or ceremonial meals, are deeply rooted in folklore traditions, serving to reinforce cultural identity and social cohesion.

Food-related myths and legends explain the origins of specific foods or the supernatural powers attributed to them, while superstitions dictate behaviors such as avoiding certain foods on specific occasions or following rituals before meals. Traditional recipes and cooking techniques, passed down through generations, are an integral part of food folklore, reflecting cultural preferences, regional variations, and historical practices.

Foodways and folklore offer a window into the cultural soul of societies worldwide, revealing the profound significance of food in shaping identity, heritage, and social relations. By exploring the interconnection of foodways and folklore, we gain a deeper understanding of the ways in which what we eat reflects who we are and the stories we share. Through continued exploration and study, we can enrich our appreciation for the diverse culinary traditions and cultural heritage that enrich our world.


If you would like to find out more, check out these resources:

American Folklore Society

Chinese Menu: The History, Myths, and Legends Behind Your Favorite Foods by Grace Lin

Foodways and Folklore: a handbook by Jacqueline S. Thusby

Foodways: Resources in the American Folklife Center

Food and Folklore Reader by Lucy Long

Kitchen Witch: Food, Folklore, and Fairy Tale by Sarah Robinson

What food traditions do you have? Please share them in the comments!

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