The Art of Using a Brain Dump Journal

Recently, I have started to use a brain dump journal. My husband has told me that he has noticed I seem less stressed than I did before I started.

Questioning Giants: Embracing the Pursuit of Knowledge and Challenging Established Wisdom

In the pursuit of knowledge and progress, we often find ourselves standing on the shoulders of giants. These giants represent the experts and visionaries who have shaped our understanding.

Take a Creativity Break to Recharge Your Brain

Creativity can recharge the brain by engaging and activating different neural pathways and networks that might not be used during routine or repetitive activities. When we engage in creative.

Learning from the Movies: the Concept of the Tenth Man from World War Z

As a creativity researcher, I love ideas that seem out of the box. Recently, I attended the Maryland Libraries Futures Conference. This reminded me of some of the previous.

The Creativity Prescription for Stress Relief

It has been almost a year since I last posted. I have been writing and reading, just not working on this blog as much. I started this blog as.