Don’t Think You’re Selling Something? Think Again!

Now, I am gonna start right out and say that no one paid me to write this post. But I am going to tell you about what I am.

Social Media Made Me Buy It

I am sure you have seen posts similar to my title but focused on Instagram or TikTok…honestly, I very rarely use either. But I am pretty much always on.

Blatant Self Promotion..or Yay! I have been published

Marketing Your Library:Tips and Tools That Work, 2012. Edited by Carol Smallwood, Vera Gubnitskaia and Kerol Harrod,231 (7×10) pages, $55 softcover, introduction, foreword, photos, appendices, index, ISBN 978-0-7864-6543-9; Ebook ISBN.

Upcoming ALA Storytelling 2.0 Webinar

ALA | Storytelling 2.0 I am very excited because if you click on the link above you will find information posted through the America Library Association website about an.

V is for Vuvox I love Vuvox. It is a free tool available on the internet for creating interactive collages. This is a great resources for educators, librarians, and writers. You can.