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Smallville and Other Randomness…

Sorry, Jennifer can’t come out and play today. To paraphrase Spongebob, I have the ick. Seriously, I am kinda wanting to swallow glass because it has to be better than the way I am feeling right now and I was actually doing better this afternoon and all.

You know you are not doing good when a shot of the “so you can rest medicine” just ain’t doing it for you. It could also have been my perseverance to make sure I stayed awake to watch the finale of Smallville. *sigh* What am I going to watch now?

I could have done without that first hour and if you haven’t seen the episode then please avoid…


I loved the opening with Chloe reading the comic book to a little Ollie Jr. Very cute, but I felt like the whole bringing Lex back was a bit of a let down and they could have done more. Not surprised with how they handled that whole knowing Clark’s secret thing, but Lex actually seemed like he had moments of goodness there at the end. That whole Lex for President angle comes from the comic verse so I am wondering if that is foreshadowing future movieverse. Also where were all the superheroes? Martian Manhunter, Star Girl, Black Canary, Cyborg, Aquaman? Why weren’t they at the wedding? Even Perry or Cat from the Daily Planet? The only recognizable face in the crowd was Martha’s.

Ever notice that no one in a comic/movieverse can get married without some evilness occurring? Cyclops and Jean Grey get propelled into the future to raise Nathan aka Cable, Chloe’s Smallville weddings, Clark & Lois’s wedding, the opening of the Incredibles!? Makes one wonder what it must be like to be a witness at one of those things and think “not this again!”.

Yeah, think I have another story idea. Which is not cool cause I kinda need to finish the one I am working on. Wednesday, in the car of all places, I had a major brainstorm for one of my stories that I put on the backburner that will completely negate the seven chapters I already have written. See this is why none of my stuff gets finished. I have plot line ADHD. It is very serious and I need to focus.

Okay, the “so I can rest meds” are finally kicking in now that the tv is off.


3 thoughts on “Smallville and Other Randomness…

  1. I just can't believe it's over after ten seasons. Following the comic book, I love how they related the regularity of our world to the comic book world. If they don't do a movie sometime in the near future, I would be surprised.

  2. I think when Superman and Lois got married in the comics nothing happen but I think that's because Batman brought every hero to the city to help protect things.

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