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Supernaturally Rocks

Being normal is so overrated.

As Evie, is beginning to learn, real high school is nothing like a high school tv drama. There are things like homework, PE, and oh, yeah, those lockers. Yes, those coveted lockers from the first book. Not to mention a long distance relationship with college-boy, Lend.

Confused? I am of course talking about Supernaturally by Kiersten White. This is the sequel to the oh so wonderful Paranormalcy. First thing I have to say is that I have some absolute cover love for these books. Fair hair and eyed Evie standing in her gorgeous dresses. I really hope that they don’t change the cover when book two finally hits the bookstore shelves because it is absolutely gorgeous. Yeah, I know, don’t judge a book by its cover, but I admit that and the title are what first caught my interest in Paranormalcy.

Book two continues Evie’s story with her trying to adjust to a normal life outside of the International Paranormal Containment Agency. Well, maybe more like not adjusting. Her shapeshifting boyfriend is away at college and she isn’t exactly fitting in with the whole normal high school girl scene except for missing said boyfriend and making plans to attend the same college on early admission. In the first book, it was a desire for prom and in this one the goal is Georgetown.

It is no surprise that Evie is seriously tempted by Raquel’s request to help IPCA out again with a couple missions, but of course things don’t always go so simply for her. However, hasn’t she learned from all those episodes of Easton Heights that lying and boyfriends don’t mix?

Mingled throughout the teenage drama, you have Jack the boy who just doesn’t want to grow up, a paranormal hunting UberVampire, sneaky paranormal locals, and yes, ex-boyfriend faery drama once again. There is even NASCAR, but you will have to keep reading to find out how that fits in the mix (yeah, not exactly Evie’s sparkly pink scene).

Did I mention that this book is all age teen appropriate? Yeah, those bleeping “bleeps” are so endearing. It kinda fits with a character that has a pink taser gun affectionately nickname Tasey.

Questions will be answered but even more will be asked so book three better not be too far away. So put on your hottest paranormal hunting heels with coordinating sparkly pink accessories and head to your closest bookstore to place your pre-order for the July 26, 2011 release.

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